Hungaricums Around the World is a team of enthusiastic young people. Our mission is to explore and present the Hungarian aspects and legacies of the world through a television series.
For the third year now, we were taking the world for two months to shed light on lesser-known or even forgotten Hungarian heritage. It is good to walk the world knowing that the greats of our nation have been roaming around there.
We wish that we could contribute to the continuation of the Hungarian worldview and to expand the scope of the “Never-ending seas” as much as possible.
We created an interactive map where you can find the hungarian memorial sites of the world.

Európaiak a Kárpát-medencében – Hungarikumokkal a világ körül 8.évad 8. rész

❗️Február 22-én, szombaton 10:50-kor a TV2 műsorán❗️

Angolszászok Magyarországon – Hungarikumokkal a világ körül 8. évad 7. rész