Pangani is a small town in Tanzania, north of Dar es-Salaam. Few would think that a Hungarian expedition started from this place. From there, Samuel Teleki set off on his first bexpedition in February 1887 to discover the Great Valley and reach the snowfall at Kilimanjaro. On the same expedition, he was the first to conquer Mount Kenya. Count Sámuel Teleki was born in 1845 into a noble family.
From an early age, he showed great interest in geography, geology, and astronomy. He had already been thinking of an African voyage with promising and longer hunting trip and safari, according to the traditions of the time. Under the influence of the Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf, he decided to lead expeditions to Africa instead of safaris in order to reach a mythical lake, which legends have told us.
The expedition from Pangani finally reached the shores of the legendary lake, which Samuel Teleki named after the heir to the throne, Rudolf Lake. The lake was renamed Lake Turkana in 1975 from local tribes, and since 1997 it has been a World Heritage Site. After the discovery of the lake, the expedition turned south, where Teleki discovered what has since been called the Teleki Volcano. Teleki was the first explorer to lead an expedition to unexplored parts of Africa.
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